My art journal is a meaningful way to share my studies and behind-the-scenes moments, giving them a lasting place beyond the fleeting nature of social media. Unlike my regular blog posts, I update these entries more frequently—sometimes several times a week—offering a faster and more intimate glimpse into my process. Here, I’ll share my process first, creating a more curated and personal experience for those who take a deeper interest in my work and visit my website.

Latest Art Journal Entries

After refining my generative collage script, it was time to explore its potential in video format. This is a studio timelapse I recorded last week. I’m excited to see how this script performs and to experiment with which videos work best in collages.


Related X post (February 15th, 2025) / Instagram post (February 15th, 2024) / BlueSky post (February 15th, 2025) / Pinterest post (February 15th, 2025).

Last night, I had an hour to visit KMAC Contemporary Art Museum in Louisville, KY. I was drawn to the beautiful works of Gee Horton and Tiffany Calvert. They are definitely worth a visit if you’re in town!


Related X post (February 12th, 2025) / Instagram post (February 12th, 2024) / BlueSky post (February 13th, 2025) / Pinterest post (February 15th, 2025).

Weaving into Things - Pen Plotter Art by Martin Lukas Ostachowski

As I continue experimenting with my pen plotter, I’m revisiting past techniques—this time, weaving. Layering old and new methods has been a passion of mine for years, and I believe it may lead to some exciting happy accidents in the future.


Related X post (February 10th, 2025) / Instagram post (February 10th, 2025) / BlueSky post (February 10th, 2025) / Pinterest post (February 10th, 2025).

This is a short behind-the-scenes video of my latest pen-plotted study using fountain pens. It’s definitely a setup I’ll be exploring more in the near future.


Related X post (February 5th, 2025) / Instagram post (February 5th, 2025) / BlueSky post (February 5th, 2025) / Pinterest post (February 5th, 2025).

Return of Old Patterns

Generative patterns keep pulling me in, but I can’t resist cutting and weaving in my exclamatory information patterns—something I’ve explored for over 25 years. I’m excited to see how they can merge with plotted artworks and evolve into a new series of iterations.


Related X post (February 3rd, 2025) / Instagram post (February 3rd, 2025) / BlueSky post (February 3rd, 2025) / Pinterest post (February 3rd, 2025).

Generative Collage Continued - Martin Lukas Ostachowski

Earlier this week, a stunning sunset stopped me in my tracks in the studio—a perfect source image to further refine my generative collage script. This time, I focused on achieving a more balanced distribution of the source image within the collage. It’s moving in the right direction!


Related X post (January 31st, 2025)  / Instagram post (January 31st, 2025) / BlueSky post (January 31st, 2025) / Pinterest post (January 31st, 2025)

New Pen Plotter Study by Martin Lukas Ostachowski

I recently completed another study over the past few days. After some initial experiments, I’m thrilled to finally incorporate one of my favorites: fountain pens. This study also explores layering different vector designs and inks. It’s going to be exciting to see how the next iterations evolve!


Related X post (January 29th, 2025)  / Instagram post (January 29th, 2025) / BlueSky post (January 29th, 2025) / Pinterest post (January 29th, 2025).

New Paper for the Blockchain Issue of the Espace Art Actuel Journal

Understanding the History of Blockchain Art as Incremental Innovation: For its 139th edition, the Canadian art journal Espace Art Actuel focused on blockchain for the winter issue. I was delighted to contribute an abbreviated crypto art history, proposing a staircase model approach to better understand its evolution rather than focusing solely on isolated events or artworks.

Excerpt from my introduction text: “[…] In this essay, I synthesize five years of my research into the development of crypto art. By organizing key innovating forces in successive chapters, this essay promotes the idea of a staircase model to provide a better understanding of its incremental evolution. Additionally, it highlights how rapid capital influx led to explosive growth, and left the nascent space vulnerable to the following market slowdowns, which challenged many of the movement’s initial ideals and aspirations […].”

You can get a PDF or printed copy here, you can read more in the blog post here.

Photo: Martin Lukas Ostachowski, Production Director Gina Cortopassi, Ph.D, and artist/author Vincent Charlebois.


Related X post (January 27th, 2025) / Instagram post (January 27th, 2025) / BlueSky post (January 27th, 2025) / Pinterest post / LinkedIn post (January 27th, 2025).

Here is a small making-of video of my first pen plotter project. While it’s designed to run unsupervised for hours, the process is so mesmerizing that I couldn’t help but keep watching and recording. For this initial project, I used Uni-ball pens and mixed media paper.


Related X post (January 10th, 2025) / Instagram post (January 10th, 2025) / BlueSky post (January 10th, 2025) / Pinterest post (January 10th, 2025).

2025 01 16 First Cloud Plotter Study Martin Lukas Ostachowski

After some trials, errors, and getting familiar with the machine, I’m excited to share my first completed cloud plot! There’s still a long journey ahead fine-tuning pens, papers, and settings to find the perfect compatibility, but the process is already so rewarding.

Next, I’ll post a short video of the pen plotter in action—watching it work is absolutely mesmerizing!


Related X post (January 17th, 2025) / Instagram post (January 16th, 2025) / BlueSky post (January 16th, 2025) / Pinterest post (January 18th, 2025).

2023 09 15 Nephology Martin LukasOstachowski

Last year, I explored some of my cloud photography and created a small series of Nephology pieces. For those not entirely lost in the clouds, nephology is the study or contemplation of clouds.

Many of these studies were offered for free on ZeroOne, where users had the opportunity to mint them as NFTs at no cost. This particular piece is from September of last year.

A few other pieces are still available:


Related X post (January 9th, 2025) / Instagram post (January 9th, 2025) / BlueSky post (January 9th, 2025) / Pinterest post (January 9th, 2025).

Happy New Year! Wishing you all a healthy, prosperous, and inspiring year!

To celebrate, my latest generative timelapse draws on iconic blue bills of world currencies. A visual reflection of growth and possibility as we step into the new year.


Related X post (January 7th, 2025) / Instagram post (January 7th, 2025) / BlueSky post (January 18th, 2025) / Pinterest post (January 18th, 2025).

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