About Art by Martin Lukas Ostachowski MLOdotArt

“From the clearest of skies to the most obscure technical insights, from woven and cut-out pieces to coded algorithms: that’s a glimpse of where Martin Lukas Ostachowski can lead you with his geometric abstraction and minimalism, always at the quest of a renewed discovery […]”

Chiara Braidotti, Curator
MoCDA (Museum of Contemporary Digital Art)

About Martin Lukas Ostachowski - MLOdotArt

Artist Biography

A brief introduction to the art and life of Martin Lukas Ostachowski, the cloud artist.

About Martin Lukas Ostachowski Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Overview of my exhibition record, residencies, awards, press and publications.

Decoding the World of Blockchain, Crypto Art and NFTs

As an independent researcher, Martin Lukas Ostachowski has been recognized for his comprehensive research on Blockchain and Crypto Art, focusing on documenting their history. He has contributed to academic papers, books, and major industry events.

Explore his writings, speaking engagements, and research projects.

Crypto Art Research Overview