Video Sketches - A Series of Appreciation

Aug 28th, 2021

I released 24 new animations to thank my patrons and supporters. Collectors can call dibs on one artwork.

A Calling Dibs Release

Following long processes spanning several years, I started working on a series of shorter video sketches earlier this year. My objective was to practice digital collages and compositions and find ways to combine my multiple ongoing series in different mediums created over the past few years.

I regularly post pieces of this series on Twitter and Instagram, and I have received a few messages asking me to tokenize them. This series incorporates aerial collages, photos and videos recorded on passenger flights, animations of individual Python-processed video frames based on scanned rubber-stamps sets, AI-generated images, and digital drawings. 

Celebrating With a Series of Appreciation

It feels so recent and yet such a long time ago that I published the article about my first sold tokenized artwork in June 2018. Since then, I feel blessed that my digital creations have resonated with collectors, and that I have been able to connect with so many people through my art. Every piece of collected artwork has allowed me to continue to create, and I was grateful and beyond words to discover that I have sold more than 111 NFTs.

Overview of the 24 video sketches in the series of appreciation release

Calling Dibs on Video Sketches

To celebrate this indescribable milestone, I will release 24 curated video sketches to thank my patrons and supporters, it’s a series of appreciation. The pieces will be available to review, and collectors can call dibs on one artwork. The idea is to release the artworks in four week-long stages, rewarding and acknowledging early supporters and patrons. 

Week One
(Aug 28th):
Week Two
(Sep 5th):
Week Three
(Sep 12th):
Week Four
(Sep 19th):
Collectors who HODL or bought 3+ piecesCollectors who HODL or bought 2 piecesCollectors who HODL or bought 1 pieceOpen release of all unclaimed video sketches
free0.25 ETH0.5 ETH1 ETH (Reserve)
Video Sketch Two
January 2021
Dibs by steadyblurry
Video Sketch Three
January 2021
Dibs by roses
Video Sketch Four
January 2021
Video Sketch Five
January 2021
Dibs by MattKaneArtist
Video Sketch Six
January 2021
Dibs by oficinastk
Video Sketch Seven
January 2021
Video Sketch Eight
January 2021
Video Sketch Nine
February 2021
Video Sketch Ten
February 2021
Video Sketch Twelve
February 2021
Dibs by cryptonio123
Video Sketch Thirteen
February 2021
Dibs by digitalartchick
Video Sketch Fourteen
March 2021
Video Sketch Fifteen
March 2021
Dibs by jscrilla
Video Sketch Sixteen
March 2021
Dibs by moderats
Video Sketch Seventeen
March 2021
Dibs by waste
Video Sketch Eighteen
March 2021
Dibs by momuscollection
Video Sketch Nineteen
March 2021
Dibs by bnoiitC
Video Sketch Twenty
April 2021
Dibs by elsie_edicurial
Video Sketch Twenty-One
April 2021
Video Sketch Twenty-Two
April 2021
Dibs by warrenhimself
Video Sketch Twenty-Three
April 2021
Dibs by tokenangels
Video Sketch Twenty-Five
May 2021
Video Sketch Twenty-Six
May 2021
Dibs by 0x525022ECd0…68928c2D81F
Video Sketch Twenty-Seven
May 2021
Dibs by colborn

What the Dibs Release Includes:

  • Calling dibs on one artwork will include you in the SuperRare token description using your choice of SuperRare user account name, your Twitter handle or your Ethereum wallet address. The text added to the artwork description will be as follows: First collected by calling dibs by “SuperRare username” or “Twitter handle” or “Ethereum wallet hash” on August 15th, 2021, 3:30 PM.
  • The release includes a postcard mailed to you, which features a print of all 24 artworks animated through augmented reality.

How the Dibs Release Works and Limitations:

  • Each collector can call dibs on only one video sketch.
  • The release is on a first-come, first-serve basis. 
  • The discount applies regardless of the price of previously purchased MLOdotArt NFTs or the platform they were purchased on.
  • Accordingly, the discount applies whether the NFT was a 1/1 original or an edition. 
  • The snapshot for ownership of my artworks was taken on August 28nd, 2021. Collected artworks after the announcement of the dibs release do not qualify.
  • The video sketches will be tokenized within 2-3 weeks after they are claimed.

Eligibility for the Dibs Release:

  • Eligible artworks were collected before August 22nd and must be authentic, digital artworks by MLOdotArt Martin Lukas Ostachowski.
  • Artworks collected in the secondary market must have been collected through the original marketplace to be eligible.
  • Eligible artworks must have been collected from the same Ethereum address. This address can call dibs, and the claimed token will be transferred to this address or needs to be purchased by the same address if applicable.
  • Please understand that I might require documentation or proof of transactions to ensure the discount is applied fairly and correctly. 
  • Once I tokenize the video sketch, the collector sets his offer based on the discounted and communicated price. If you can claim your piece for free, I will transfer the token to your wallet address after I have tokenized it.

How to Call Dibs

The period to call dibs ended on September 19th. Unclaimed artworks are openly released. You can find the video sketches on SuperRare.