University of Zurich - Digital Ferraris

Jun 9th, 2022

The University of Zurich published this article leading up to the Crypto Art and NFT conference at the Kunsthaus Zurich.

Werner, David: Crypto Art – Digital Ferraris. University of Zurich News, June 8th, 2022:


Crypto art fever is lighting up tech communities and the traditional art world alike, fueling intense speculation. An interdisciplinary conference organized by UZH will examine the phenomenon from artistic, technological and legal perspectives …

Martin Lukas Ostachowski […] will participate in the Crypto Art Conference in Zurich. “Crypto Art allowed me to step outside the linear, protracted career path as an artist in the traditional art world. In an unprecedented way, I started collaborating, connecting and engaging in a glocal community of artists and collectors, many of which I haven’t even met in person,” he says …

Crypto Art Conference in Zurich

The Crypto Art Conference takes place tomorrow, Friday, June 10th, 2022, at the Kunsthaus Zürich. The conference was initiated by Christian Schwarzenegger and Rolf Weber and is organized with the support of the UZH Blockchain Center, the Europa Institut at the University of Zurich, and the UZH Executive Master in Art Market Studies.

About Martin Lukas Ostachowski - Artist Researcher Writer

Martin Lukas Ostachowski

or short MLO. I am a multidisciplinary artist, researcher and writer based in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal), Quebec, Canada.

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