Printemps Numerique Intersections Blockchain

Nov 27th, 2018

I was invited to exhibit during Printemps Numerique at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

Printemps Numérique #intersections VOL.9: Blockchain, from Promises to Applications

Last November, Printemps Numérique (Digital Spring) held the 9th edition of their #intersections event at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal. This event promotes digital transformation issues and connects digital creatives with other industries. In this edition, Printemps Numérique focused entirely on Blockchain technology, its potential and the challenges for applications.

Printemps Numerique Blockchain Panel Discussion scaled
Panel discussion at Printemps Numérique VOL. 9: Blockchain

Since many visitors have not heard about Blockchain technology before, the event introduced the public to the subject through two presentations. These presentations served as the starting point for a subsequent panel discussion. Throughout the event, visitors were invited to browse through and network in the so-called Experience Zone.

Blockchain Experience Zone

The Printemps Numérique Experience Zone is a networking area which approaches a subject playfully such as through art. This edition’s Experience Zone featured two virtual reality projects, an interactive installation by artist Mailis Gomes Rodrigues and some of my crypto art.

Printemps Numerique Art By Martin Lukas Ostachowski scaled
My Blockchain and crypto art display at the Canadian Centre for Architecture

My new visualization, entitled Metronomes of Decentralization, was the main piece within my display. This visualization uses live data from the Ethereum and Bitcoin to create endlessly moving clouds. I published an article about this piece recently, which you can find here.

Along with my visualization, I showcased my generative artwork Cloud Seed Phrase Words Visualization as well as two animated prototypes of my Tokenized Cloud Sphere series.

In Retrospect

Overall, Printemps Numérique was well organized, well visited and well received. It was great to meet and chat with people who notice and understand the underlying Blockchain references in my work. The engaging discussions with visitors without prior Blockchain experience affirmed me in the development of my current body of work, which uses art to make this sophisticated technology accessible.

Printemps Numerique Visitors

Lastly, having been the only crypto artist at the event, I got interviewed by David Nathan from the French edition of Stay tuned for a transcript of his interview on my blog.

Printemps Numerique Visitors
About Martin Lukas Ostachowski - Artist Researcher Writer

Martin Lukas Ostachowski

or short MLO. I am a multidisciplinary artist, researcher and writer based in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal), Quebec, Canada.

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